Shelby County Chiropractic

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Chiropractic Care vs. Pain Medication – Which is Best for You?

The conventional treatment for pain management was the prescription of pain medications. The side effects associated with those medications included dry mouth, constipation, diarrhea, and death in case of overdose.

One such medication includes the use of opioid drugs. According to a survey conducted by the National Safety Council in 2016, 99% of doctors prescribe opioids to their patients, while 23% of them prescribe them for a month’s period.

Studies have concluded that the U.S. consumes 80% of total opioid supply in the world.

According to the CDC, 63,632 deaths in the United States occurred due to drug overdose. Among those deaths, 64.4% of deaths were a result of opioid overdose.

Pain Medications: Blessing or Curse?

common medications taken for pain management

These are the common medications taken for pain management and the side effects associated with them:

1. Aspirin

Have a headache? Take aspirin. Have muscular pain? Take aspirin. Stiff neck? Aspirin.

Over the years, we have classified aspirin as the ultimate solution to all our pains. However, the dark side of the medicine includes stomach bleeding and kidney damage in case of frequent use.

2. Acetaminophen (Tylenol)

It is a constituent of sinus and cold medicines. Prolonged usage or drinking alcohol while taking it can result in liver damage.

3. Muscle Relaxants

The common muscle relaxants include cyclobenzaprine, which causes dry mouth, loss of balance, and constipation, methocarbamol causes urine discoloration, and almost every muscle relaxant causes drowsiness.

4. Antidepressants

Antidepressants are used for relieving nerve pain. One common antidepressant is duloxetine, which can result in blurred vision, low blood pressure, fast heartbeat, headache and fatigue as a side effect.

5. Opioids

These are very strong drugs prescribed in case of severe pain or long-term condition. Few of opioid-based painkillers include Codeine, Morphine, Hydromorphone, and Darvon.

The worst side effect of opioid is the addiction itself. The body shows withdrawal symptoms like anxiety, irritability, and diarrhea when you cease your opioid intake.

Other side effects include itching, dizziness, depression, and weak immunity. Continual usage of opioid can cause overdose, resulting in death.

chiropractic treatment

Chiropractic Treatment: The Safer Choice

Chiropractic treatment involves alignment and adjustment of the spine or other drug-free therapies that enhance the body’s natural healing ability and relieve pain.

It was recommended as a viable solution for treating “subacute or acute lower back pain” in the evidence-based clinical practice guideline developed by the American College of Physicians.

The Ohio State Chiropractic Association considered chiropractic treatment to be a potential alternative for pain management.

Under the supervision of Dr. William Yadon D.C. and Dr. Stapleton D.C., we provide custom-made treatments according to your chiropractic needs in Shelbyville—Louisville, KY.

Call us at 502-633-1073 or send us a message at [email protected].