Shelby County Chiropractic

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Continuously Tired? Medical Reasons For Fatigue And Tiredness

Did you wake up feeling more tired and exhausted after 8 hours of sleep?

If this feeling persists for long duration then it’s no longer common tiredness. You can sleep and rest for a while and recover from tiredness, but rest and sleep has no impact on fatigue. Both these words are used interchangeable, due to the lack of knowledge.

Fatigue lasts for a long time, and may become chronic. What’s the underlying reason behind this?


Lack of blood supply due to iron deficiency is known as anemia. Pregnant women sharing blood supply with fetus, and women with a heavy maturational flow or menopausal stage are highly prone to anemia.

Men and women both can experience iron deficiency if they have an ongoing intestine or stomach infection or disease like, ulcer. Anemia is marked with lethargy, heaviness in muscle, and exhaustion due to small activity.

On the other hand, excess of iron content, haemochromatosis, can also cause fatigue. The likelihood of this medical condition is very low, but you should keep this in mind when consuming iron supplement.

Sleep Apnea

Irregularity in breathing due to closure or narrowing of the throat during sleep is known as sleep apnea. This condition may lead to snoring problems, which can disrupt the oxygen supply in your body. Lack of oxygen in your blood stream limits your body to provide sufficient energy to your muscles, causing fatigue.

This syndrome is common in obese people and can worsen with alcohol and smoking.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Under-Performing Thyroid

Thyroxine, a thyroid hormone, is responsible for regulating heart rate, metabolic and digestive functions, providing strength to muscles, brain and bones. An underactive thyroid limits the production of thyroine, which causes fatigue.

An underperforming thyroid is accompanied with weight gain, muscle ache, and dry skin. It’s more common in women who have crossed their middle age.

Celiac Disease

Celiac Disease  

A genetic autoimmune disease that is caused by consumption of gluten (protein) commonly found in bread, wheat, and rye. The immune system treats gluten like a foreign threat and starts damaging the small intestine. This damage hinders the absorption of nutrition in to the blood stream, leaving you malnourished.

This leaves you tired and exhausted as your body is not getting fuel to function properly. Celiac disease might also cause bloating, diarrhea, and anemia.  

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Continuous fatigue might be caused by a combination of mental and physical factors. It is characterized by lack of sleep, restlessness, exhaustion, loss of memory, joint pain, and head ache. There is no conclusive test to diagnose this syndrome, but if your fatigue lasts longer than 4 months, you should immediately see a physician.



Diabetes is a life-long medical condition caused by excess of sugar level in the body. High sugar level in the blood stream slows down the blood supply to the cell, which hinders the transfer of nutrients to your body.

This causes constant fatigue, as your body is out of fuel. Apart from this, high glucose level in the blood causes inflammation in the blood vessels, further impacting the blood supply.

Depression and Anxiety

Depression is the continuous feeling of sadness and anxiousness which causes loss of sleep, hunger, and will to work. Lack of sleep can make you tired and even cause chronic fatigue syndrome.

Fatigue is common among people who are accustomed to an unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits. You need to make a conscious attempt towards improvement of your health; we can also help you with our chiropractic services.

We at Shelby County Chiropractic provide comprehensive and non-invasive solutions for your fatigue, muscle and joint ache, chiropractic treatment for headaches and sleep disturbance. Call 502-633-1073 to make an appointment.