Shelby County Chiropractic

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Reasons Behind Sleepless Nights

Counting Sheep? Reasons Behind Sleepless Nights

A good night’s sleep is essential to function properly throughout the day. There are several reasons people might suffer from lack of sleep. Some of these include:

Arthritis And Fibromyalgia

Arthritis And Fibromyalgia

Arthritis is a degenerative joints disease. People suffering from this problem might struggle with sleep. They find it tough to change their positions while they are sleeping due to limited mobility.

Similarly, Fibromyalgia might also be another reason you might struggle to go to sleep. This condition involves torn tendons and ligaments, which make a person, feel tired and stiff. According to research, people who suffer from this condition also have abnormal deep sleep patterns.

The slow brain waves mix with the waves that are connected with relaxed brain waves leading to abnormal sleep patterns.

Issues With The Kidneys

People suffering from kidney problems might also find it harder to go to sleep. Some of the problems with the kidneys include:

  • Kidneys are not able to filter the fluids
  • Remove waste from the body
  • Maintain a balance of electrolytes

Due to these issues, the waste products mix with the blood and result in problems like Insomnia.


An overactive Thyroid gland can over stimulate the nervous system and prevent the person from going to sleep. People who suffer from this condition often complain of feeling cold and drowsy all the time.

Thyroid affects all the organs in the body because of which it can be tough for doctors to diagnose the problem initially.


People suffering from headaches might also struggle with going to sleep. Issues like migraines and cluster headaches result in changes in the size of the blood vessels. When the walls of the blood vessels dilate, a person feels pain.

In order to compensate for lost sleep, the body goes in a condition known as delta sleep. In this condition, the blood vessels are constricted and this leads to pain.


Depression is another issue that makes it harder for people to go to sleep. Insomnia is one of the most common symptoms of depression.



People who have anxiety are always feeling uneasy and worried. As a result, they find it hard to relax and go to sleep. Even if they do get some sleep, they do not feel rested when they wake up.

How Chiropractic Treatment Can Help

People suffering from any of these issues can seek chiropractic treatment. Chiropractic treatment is an ancient method of treatment, which revolves around the manipulation of the spine.

A misaligned spine can slow down the body’s immune system and prevent blood from flowing to all the parts of the body. As a result, a person is always in pain. Chiropractors seek to fix the source of the problem in order to provide relief from pain.

Chronic pain is also connected with a person’s health. Chiropractic treatment is almost akin to a massage and helps a person’s body relax.

People looking for Kentucky Family Chiropractic in Shelbyville, can get in touch with us. We offer a wide range of chiropractic services. You can contact us at 502-633-1073.