Shelby County Chiropractic

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Pediatric Chiropractic Care: Beneficial to a Child’s Development

According to a research report published by Research and Markets, the chiropractic market in the United States is estimated to reach up to a whopping USD 17.93 billion in the next five years (by 2025). In the meantime, the market is also expected to experience a compounded annual growth rate of (CAGR of) 4.32%.

This growth is driven by the soaring number of patients turning to complementary and more natural medical treatments. Since chiropractic care is free of side effects and discomfort caused by heavy medication and invasive surgeries, it has become an ideal treatment option for people of all ages.

Despite the increased popularity among adults and seniors, many parents are still not aware of the health benefits of chiropractic care for their infants, children, and adolescents. If you have a little angel in your home, here’s every reason why you must know the benefits of pediatric chiropractic treatments.

Better Sleep


Stress is known to interfere with sleeping cycles in many adults and teens, according to the American Psychological Association. Since chiropractic care works on releasing stress from the mind and muscles, it leads to improved sleep in adults, teens, adolescents, and infants alike. Sound sleep that lasts eight hours is extremely crucial to the health of younger children. It has a significant impact on their mental and physical well being, as well as how they grow and explore the world around them. Chiropractic care can also reduce the issue of bedwetting in younger children, which is mostly a result of bad sleeping habits.

Strengthens Immune System

Chiropractic care boosts the immune system of younger kids, which helps them fight seasonal viruses and bacteria more effectively. A 2016 research that studied 9000 U.S. children found that complementary medical treatments, including chiropractic care, had lower consumption of influenza vaccines. In addition to the improved immunity, chiropractic care also treats digestive issues in children, such as constipation, diarrhea, and GERD (reflux).

Better Behaved Children

Most young children exhibit bad behavior and aggression because of stress and several health conditions. They stay agitated throughout the day if they didn’t sleep well, or they had pain or discomfort in any part of the body. Chiropractic care treats all such underlying issues and leaves your children in a happier and better mental state altogether.

If you’re planning to take your kid to a family chiropractic clinic in Kentucky, there’s no better option than Shelby County Chiropractic by Dr. James Stapleton, DC. We deliver top-of-the-line chiropractic services in Louisville using diversified techniques and advanced equipment. For more information about our services, call us at 502-633-1073.