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How a Chiropractor Can Relieve Your Achilles Tendinitis Pain Using Trigger Point Therapy

Patients who are regular runners often complain about Achilles tendon pain; however, poor footwear can also be one of its causes. The condition is predominantly prevalent among the 30–50 year old age bracket, and every 5 in 10 people among 10,000 are diagnosed with the condition.

The condition triggers when trigger points in the tendons weaken calf muscles and create a chain reaction that ultimately causes other trigger points to form.


What is Achilles Tendinitis?

The Achilles tendon is located at the back of your heel, which means it moves every time the calf muscles stretch and contract.

The Achilles tendon supports your body weight and gets continuously pressed by footwear. If it becomes inflamed, walking, running, and even standing can become extremely painful.  Repetitive contractions of the calf muscle, improper footwear, and incorrect landing patterns cause tendons to become inflamed and constricted.

If not treated on time, continued stress on the tendon causes more inflammation and irritation. Continuing activities such as running, basketball, volleyball, and other sports involving jumping and running eventually lead to Achilles tendonitis.


Types of Achilles Tendonitis


1. Noninsertional Achilles Tendonitis

The non-insertional form of Achilles tendinitis affects the tendon’s intermediate fibers rather than the tendon’s attachment to the heel. As time passes, the fibers can weaken and even rip. This can cause the tendon to enlarge and thicken.

Young, energetic persons, especially runners, are more likely to develop non-insertional tendinitis.


2. Insertional Achilles Tendonitis

The insertion of the Achilles tendon into the heel bone is a common site for tendonitis, and here is where the pain is felt in cases with insertional Achilles tendonitis. Although runners are still more likely to experience this than other athletes, it can happen to anybody at any time. Tight calf muscles are a common contributor because they increase the load on the Achilles tendon at its insertion.


What is Trigger Point Therapy?

Repetitive stress or injury causes the muscles in the calf to shorten. As the tendon is attached to the bone from one side and to the muscle from the other side, it also gets pulled and becomes stressed and inflamed.

Achilles tendonitis treatment can be done through trigger point therapy which releases tense points in the muscles from their chronic constriction, allowing them to regain strength and elasticity.


Methods Used In Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger point therapy is a pain-free and non-invasive procedure that causes the trigger points in the muscles to relax.

This procedure is proven to relieve chronic pain in the tendons, back, spine, neck, and other areas of the body. The four main methods used for trigger point therapy include:

  • Relaxing tensed muscles with whole-body vibration
  • Toning muscles with stretching
  • Breaking up scar tissues with anti-inflammatory injections
  • Untangling knots with massage therapy

Physical therapists widely use trigger point therapy to relieve knots and trigger points in the muscles without the need for surgery. One or a combination of methods is used for treatment based on each patient’s need and response.


A chiropractor in Shelby examining a patient's foot.


A ruptured Achilles tendon can be felt as a quick, sharp pain at the heel’s base or at the leg’s back. If you suspect a tendon tear, medical attention is strongly advised.


Get Achilles Tendon Pain Treatment Through Advanced Chiropractic Care Services In Kentucky

If you’re looking for chiropractic treatment using trigger point therapy in Shelbyville and Louisville, KY, get in touch Shelby County Chiropractic, which is led by Dr. James Stapleton DC and Dr. William Yadon DC.

Give us a call at 502-633-1073 and book your appointment today.