Shelby County Chiropractic

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Suffering from Neck Pain? Here’s How to Know When it’s Serious

We all have mornings where we wake up with slight pain in the neck, as if we didn’t sleep right.

If your work relies heavily on using laptops, computers, and phones, neck pain could just be your life’s sad reality. With 86% percent Americans sitting all day at work, neck injuries associated with bad posture have soared in the recent years.

However, it isn’t just your sedentary desk-based job that should be blamed; there’s a bunch of other reasons why neck pain could occur, including the wrong sleeping position, stress, and bad sitting posture.

Why Neck Pain Occurs?


One of the most common causes of chronic neck pain is bad sleeping position and an irregular sleeping routine. People who sleep on uneven mattresses or use uncomfortable pillows, often experience stiffness and neck pain after they wakeup. The most painful of all neck injuries—torticollis or wry neck—is caused by inappropriate position of the head while sleeping. You’d go to sleep with a proper functioning neck and later wakeup with a stiff tilted neck, which is awfully painful when you try to straighten it.

Another major cause of neck pain is sitting with a curvy back for long hours, instead of sitting with a straight back. People whose job require them to sit for most of the day, tend to lean while they work that leads to excessive strain on the neck and the shoulders. This typically leads to a stiff neck with pain crawling up to the back of the head.

When It’s Time to Visit Your Physician?

Most types of neck pain caused due to the above reasons are temporary and should go away with painkillers. However, if it persists for long, it’s better to see a doctor. Also, take note of other symptoms such as numb hands, and extreme migraine—particularly if it gets severe upon tilting head in a forward direction. Such symptoms might be an indication of an underlying health condition that must be diagnosed and treated professionally.

If you’re based in Shelbyville and are trying to find a way to alleviate your neck pain, there’s no better option than Shelby County Chiropractic by Dr. James Stapleton, DC. We offer impeccable chiropractic services in Louisville using diversified techniques and advanced equipment. For more information about Shelby family chiropractic, call us at 502-633-1073.