Shelby County Chiropractic

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When You Should And Shouldn’t Seek Chiropractic Treatment

Most people fail to realize that taking medications such as pain killers to get rid of that annoying back pain can put you in significantly greater danger than seeking chiropractic treatment. Body pain treatment is performed by licensed chiropractors and deals with joints, nervous systems, and muscles.

This treatment is getting popular in the United States due to its various benefits. Currently, there are 69,997 chiropractors in America. Following are some conditions in which you should and shouldn’t consider this treatment.

When You Should Seel Chiropractic Treatment

1. Chronic Back Pain

Chronic back pain is one of the evident signs that you need to get chiropractic treatment. In the United States, 16 million adults are experiencing persistent or chronic back pain. Various factors can lead to this pain, such as muscle strains and bad posture. This treatment can help assist in pain relief without using medications or undergoing invasive surgery.

2. Headaches

Headaches are caused by multiple reasons. Some of these reasons include malnutrition, weak eyesight, lack of oxygen, long on-screen time, dehydration, sleep deprivation, etc. Chiropractic treatment helps in improving blood flow in the body. This increased blood flow allows oxygen to reach different brain cells; as a result, headaches are improved.

3. Muscle or Joint Pain

When muscle and joint symptoms strike, you’ll almost always go for an aspirin. However, if you are persistently experiencing such pain, it can indicate a much more serious problem, such as musculoskeletal alignment. In this scenario, spinal adjustments by a chiropractor can help guarantee that the body is operating properly. As a result, muscular and joint discomforts are relieved. Spinal adjustments help improve the blood flow in the body and aid in nerve conductivity.

When You Shouldn’t Get Chiropractic Treatment

1. Spinal Fracture

Chiropractic treatment should be avoided during serious medical situations like a spinal fracture. Such fractures are considered very dangerous as they can cause permanent paralysis and even death, in some cases, if the right initial treatment is not provided. Hence, it is advised to seek the assistance of a primary care physician or an orthopedic surgeon.

2. Osteoporosis

According to stats, in the United States, 10 million people 50 years or over have been diagnosed with osteoporosis. Under this medical condition, the body’s bones start becoming thin with age. While chiropractic treatment can relieve certain symptoms like pain, it can, however, won’t be able to reverse the signs of osteoporosis.

A man receiving chiropractic treatment

Book Your Chiropractic Treatment Today

Experiencing persistent back pain or headaches? Let us help you. We are professional chiropractors in Shelby County. We are helping our patients by providing various chiropractic services, such as hip pain treatment. Contact us for more information or to book your appointment.